Two Questions. Wordpress and ebooks.

Pat Rapp pat.rapp at FAIRPORTLIBRARY.ORG
Fri May 3 10:27:29 EDT 2013

Hi, Jorge.

A couple of quick thoughts:

There are Wordpress tutorials on youtube, which I find much easier than reading the Wordpress wiki. Search for "Wordpress tutorial" and you'll find a lot of helpful information. Perhaps the teachers can sift through and pick out the ones that will be most helpful to their students.

As for self-publishing, I would recommend starting at the Amazon how-to page: 
This will give you enough background information so that you will be better able to discuss the process and search for alternatives.

Hope this helps!

Pat Rapp
Fairport Public Library

-----Original Message-----
From: Web technologies in libraries [mailto:WEB4LIB at LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Jorge Biquez
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:55 PM
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Two Questions. Wordpress and ebooks.
Importance: High

Hello all.

We have a project to help some libraries in poor schools . We will get them some used computers for internal use and we will provide web hosting with their own domains. We are installing wordpress for them to use it on the hosting we have.

1) Besides the documentation on the WP website. Can you recommend some material for a "quick immersion" on how to use WP?. Not the so basic stuff. We already got some theme for them and they will be using them and the idea is that they can do the webpages they need, more complex than the ones provided by the theme. That way they can be independent from our support.

2) Some of the teachers of those schools want to donate their time and do some books so the schools can try to sell them online. Can you share experiences on this? I mean. We know they can use word or any suite office and then convert it to PDF but we are looking for something more professional. The idea is to help them to do all the process required from having the book until publish it on Amazon, Playstore, Apple store and any other we can find. We know that maybe is something that will give no money at all but with help us at all on what they have to learn. From using the correct tools for do the search of the material on the Internet, the tools to write it and from that we all learn on what tools to use to publish it, create the image of it, maybe it is necessary to register it officially? and then do the process to publish it on the market websites. They also will use the WP sites to promote the material.

We have found some references of people that sells "all the tips and trick to publish ebooks and became millionaire" but they are expensive since our budget is less than zero.

As always thanks in advance for all your help.

Jorge Biquez


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