Looking for an Endnote Custom Import Filter for Summon

Susan Smith susan.smith at CHESTER.AC.UK
Tue Jul 3 12:18:03 EDT 2012

Hi Jennifer,

We work in partnership with a University which will shortly be facing similar questions.  I forwarded on your query and they chased with Adept Scientific.  This is the response:

                "I have personally not come across Summon, however, I have found this link that suggests there is a Direct Export option from it:-


The advice on the University of New England site was (you really only need the last paragraph):-


When you have performed your search, place your mouse cursor on a reference to bring up the Save this item icon.

Click on Save this item to add the reference to your Saved Items.

When you have finished saving references, go to the Saved Items icon at the bottom  of  the  screen. Click on the Saved Items link to display the saved references. The references will be in Reference Manager (RIS) format.

Click on the EndNote tab.

Save the Saved Items file to your hard drive.

Open your EndNote library.

Click on the Import icon.

Choose the Saved Items file.

Change the Import Option to Reference Manager (RIS).

Click on Import.

The Saved Items will be added to your EndNote library.

If you have EndNote open when downloading the Saved Items file, EndNote will prompt  you  to Open or Save the file. If you Open the file your references will move into your EndNote library straight away

Based on these I am not sure what the problem is. Nothing was mentioned on these two sites about things not working.

I then found that Wolverhampton University had it, so I did a basic search & exported to EndNote OK. Some bits did not look 100% but it looked workable. When exporting I got the option to send them to either EndNote or EndNote Web.

I hope has helped a bit, why not have a go on their site to test it out."

Please let me know how you get on.

Kind regards

Susan Smith
Senior Librarian

JET Library
Leighton Hospital
Middlewich Road
Tel: (01270) 612538 Internal Ext: 3172
Fax: (01270) 252611

Main email: susan.smith at chester.ac.uk<mailto:susan.smith at chester.ac.uk>
Trust email: susan.smith2 at mcht.nhs.uk<mailto:susan.smith2 at mcht.nhs.uk>

Web address: http://www.mchft.nhs.uk/research-activities/jetlibrary/

From: Web technologies in libraries [mailto:WEB4LIB at LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Jennifer Heise
Sent: 02 July 2012 19:30
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Looking for an Endnote Custom Import Filter for Summon

Hi Everyone!

We are getting Summon as our discovery service this fall, and we already are pushing EndNoteWeb (which we get free through our Web of Science subscription). However, there's no good import filter by default in EndnoteWeb for importing files exported from Summon. So, the question is, does anyone have an EndNote custom import filter for Summon that we could install as part of the site customization in EndnoteWeb?
-- Jenne Heise
Drew University Library

Jennifer Heise

known in the SCA as Jadwiga Zajaczkowa

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