[Web4lib] Marketing databases; WAS Link to Library site on College website

Alexandria Arnold aarnold at summitlibrary.org
Fri Jan 29 12:03:08 EST 2010

Robert Balliot wrote:

>In Rhode Island, the various public libraries have individually and >collectively subscribed to some of the heavyweight databases.  The costs >are relatively low per capita, but use per capita is extremely low so they >are really not a bargain.  And, people would use them if they knew they >were there.   Instead, the subscriptions get cut, so no one benefits.  The >products were never effectively marketed.

I'd be interested in your ideas on how to get the word out. I know of several public libraries, including my own, which have been disappointed in the level of use our databases get. We've tried a lot of things but they have not resulted in searches. What have you found to be effective?

Alexandria Arnold
Assistant Director
Summit Free Public Library, NJ

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