[Web4lib] Google issues RFI for community partners in Hi-Speed Internet project

Wilfred Drew DrewW at tc3.edu
Tue Feb 16 13:27:43 EST 2010

Google is seeking requests from interested communities, local governments and the public for locations willing to host a small number of trial locations for ultra hi-speed Internet over a fiber network across the country. To nominate a community, local governments or community groups, such as libraries, can respond to the Request for Information (RFI) announced February 10, 2010 at:


All responses to this RFI should be submitted through the interactive response forms found on this website. In order to respond to this RFI, you will have one of two options:
                                   i.          Full community response by a local government interested in having its community serve as a trial location.
                                 ii.          Other interested parties and non-governmental respondents, explaining why the trial should be held in the respondent's community.
Google reports that this fiber network will have Internet speeds greater than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today. Service for 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections will be offered at competitive pricing for communities. Google would like to improve the way Internet connectivity is delivered, for faster more reliable service and will explore:
*       Next generation applications requiring ultra high-speeds, for bandwidth-intensive "killer apps" and services, as well as new uses not yet in play.
*       New deployment techniques - ways to build fiber networks; support and deploy services through existing channels and share key lessons learned with the world.
*       Development of an "open access" network, giving users the choice of multiple service providers. Consistent with past advocacy, Google plans to manage these networks in an open, non-discriminatory, and transparent way.
Nominations for communities interested in responding to this request for information must be completed by March 26, 2010.
For further information on the Google ultra-hi speed Internet RFI,  contact Elizabeth Carrature in the Division of Library Development at ecarratu at mail.nysed.gov<mailto:ecarratu at mail.nysed.gov> or  at 518-486-2888.

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