[Web4lib] mash-ups

Eric Lease Morgan emorgan at nd.edu
Fri Sep 1 16:10:40 EDT 2006

Mash-ups -- building Web pages by bringing together content from  
various other sites -- seems to be a definite trend, and I have been  
(slowly) working on my first mash-up called Tomato Juice:


Given one or more words the system will try to look up definitions,  
synonyms, encyclopedia articles, books (with cover art when  
available), pictures, and Web links related to the input. It does  
this by taking advantage of various (Amazon.com, Yahoo, dictionary,  
etc.) Web Services.

The technique is probably something libraries not only want to  
implement but also facilitate. In other words, libraries will  
probably want to create mash-ups as types of Web pages they provide,  
but also allow for Web Services to be applied against library content  
so people outside libraries can create mash-ups.

Eric Lease Morgan
University Libraries of Notre Dame

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