[Web4lib] Koha Library Program

Darla Grediagin dgrediagin at bssd.org
Wed Oct 25 13:54:52 EDT 2006

Good morning,

Does anyone on this list use Koha?  I am working on installation now and 
was interested in feedback.  When I saw the post that mentioned telnet 
and SSH, it made me think that this may be the list to answer more of my 
questions than other lists that I am on.  I love the move to Koha, I am 
using LibraryPro now and I think Excel might be a better library 
database than it is.

I am glad I found other librarians that are working with computers as 
much as everyone here seems to be.

Have a great day,


Darla Grediagin
District Librarian
Bering Strait School District
Unalakleet, Alaska
Web Address : http://bssdonline.org/course/view.php?id=51
Blog: http://aklibrarian1.edublogs.org/

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