[Web4lib] Lack of discussion of Google CSE and Libraries

John Fereira jaf30 at cornell.edu
Thu Nov 9 11:30:41 EST 2006

Drew, Bill wrote:
> You are missing one major point.  It does not take a programmer to do
> anything with it.  The Google API and other APIs really require
> programming skills.  
I don't think that Ross was suggesting that  an API for Google CSE would 
be  a replacement for a user interface that non-programmers can use.  
The existence of an API would be a benefit to those with programming 
skills without impacting those without them, unless one has an aversion 
to letting programmers develop library applications.
> To me it is the biggest thing since sliced bread
> because it goes back to one of our basic functions as librarians,
> collection development and selection of resources.  
You're missing a basic point as well.  Not everyone reading this list is 
a librarian. 

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