[Web4lib] persistent urls- clarification

Karen Davis kdavis at lawrence.lib.ks.us
Thu Nov 17 17:19:16 EST 2005

Maybe I don't understand something, or maybe I just need to be clearer in my request:

What I'd like to see examples of (if such a thing even exists) would be library web site pages with links that lead to search results such as "videos", "dvd", etc.

I heard this mentioned at IL 2005, but maybe I misunderstood what was being said. To me, a persistent url is an address that, if you code it as a hyperlink, will result in a consistent product, e.g a list of all the videos in the catalog.

Karen Davis, Coordinator
Center for Community Networking & 
Web Administrator
Lawrence Public Library
707 Vermont Street
Lawrence, KS 66044
785.843.3833 ext. 104


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