[Web4lib] persistent urls- clarification

Leslie Johnston johnston at virginia.edu
Thu Nov 17 17:41:42 EST 2005

The formal definition of a persistent URL (PURL) is a URL that, 
instead of pointing directly to a file location on a a server, points 
to an intermediate resolution service that knows where the file is 
located.  The location of the file may change over time, or be 
dynamically generated with session information in an authenticated 
environment, but the PURL will never change, always redirecting the 
user to the current correct path.


At 05:19 PM 11/17/2005, Karen Davis wrote:
>Maybe I don't understand something, or maybe I just need to be 
>clearer in my request:
>What I'd like to see examples of (if such a thing even exists) would 
>be library web site pages with links that lead to search results 
>such as "videos", "dvd", etc.
>I heard this mentioned at IL 2005, but maybe I misunderstood what 
>was being said. To me, a persistent url is an address that, if you 
>code it as a hyperlink, will result in a consistent product, e.g a 
>list of all the videos in the catalog.
>Karen Davis, Coordinator
>Center for Community Networking &
>Web Administrator
>Lawrence Public Library
>707 Vermont Street
>Lawrence, KS 66044
>785.843.3833 ext. 104
>Web4lib mailing list
>Web4lib at webjunction.org

Leslie Johnston
Head, Digital Access Services
University of Virginia Library
johnston at virginia.edu 

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