[Web4lib] Google Print gets new name

K.G. Schneider kgs at bluehighways.com
Mon Nov 21 11:48:44 EST 2005

> In any language, the new name is still confusing. Is the point to find
> books, or to search the full text of books? Are the items on the hit list
> "snippets" or are they full text of books? What do end users think they
> are
> searching for? What do they expect to retrieve?
>  Plus ça change...
>  /rich

My hunch is that "Google Books" was some third rail they didn't want to
encounter, so they made it Google Book Search. But I've been calling it
Google Books (even though a blogger wagged his finger at those of us doing
this) because it's one more syllable and one more word than most Google

We could ask them to change it to Google OPAC; or perhaps Google
Bibliographic Utility...

Karen G. Schneider
kgs at bluehighways.com

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