[Web4lib] Blog Software

K.G. Schneider kgs at bluehighways.com
Mon Jun 20 09:49:40 EDT 2005

> I am redoing the website for the small/rural public library
> at which I work. I have limited web skills (HTML and
> Dreamweaver) and wanted to add a blog for adding immediacy
> for staff who do not have web skills etc.  The comments
> indicate that Web Press is used.  My question is how hard is
> it to load and maintain these blog software options--little
> tech support in this area at my library.  Has anyone used
> the public sites like blogger.com--would that be a suicidal
> thing to do?  

Typepad is one good option if your objective is a nice-looking blog that
doesn't require technical intervention/maintenance from your end.  I see
that Icarus (the blog of the Santa Fe Public Library) is hosted on Blogspot,
which also eliminates the tech-support issues; you might contact Miriam
Bobkoff and ask her how she likes it. 

Karen G. Schneider
kgs at bluehighways.com

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