[Web4lib] Blog Software

Catherine Lemmer lemmer at uiuc.edu
Mon Jun 20 09:40:26 EDT 2005

I am redoing the website for the small/rural public library 
at which I work. I have limited web skills (HTML and 
Dreamweaver) and wanted to add a blog for adding immediacy 
for staff who do not have web skills etc.  The comments 
indicate that Web Press is used.  My question is how hard is 
it to load and maintain these blog software options--little 
tech support in this area at my library.  Has anyone used 
the public sites like blogger.com--would that be a suicidal 
thing to do?  what about LisHost? Any comments welcome. 

Catherine A. Lemmer
Galesburg Public Library
40 East Simmons
Galesburg, IL 61401
catherinel at galesburglibrary.org 
(character following catherine is the letter "l" and not the 
number "1")
lemmer at uiuc.edu

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