[WEB4LIB] Problems with Mozilla 1.7

Andrew I. Mutch amutch at waterford.lib.mi.us
Thu Jul 22 08:58:33 EDT 2004


I was going to recommend that you start by giving the page a valid
Doctype. Without it, I was guessing that Mozilla was kicking into a
non-standard mode and the nested DIVs were causing the display problem.
Loaded remotely, in a separate tab, it shows the same display problem.
But, oddly enough, when loaded locally from my Desktop, it displays just
fine. Strange.

One thing you might try is re-arranging the order of the style sheets so
that the @import is listed first before the linked file. Also, it's not
clear to me why you have these two separate stylesheets. Although the file
names imply that one is intended for Netscape 4, the two are almost
identical and many of the styles look like they would choke NS4. I'm
wondering if you would have better luck by getting rid of one of the style
sheets or replacing the NS4-friendly stylesheet with one that only has
rules that NS4 can process. 

Let me know if any of those suggestions helped.

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI

On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Laura Gardner wrote:

> Can anyone shed some light on a problem I am having with pages loading
> completely in Mozilla 1.7?  Previous versions are ok.  The site uses
> frames and flash and in some instances (but not all), the bottom frame
> content is not completely loading.  I have to either refresh the bottom
> frame or click the back button and then click the forward button on the
> browser to get the content to appear entirely.  The site is located at
> http://www.baldwinlib.org An example of the problem can be seen by
> clicking on "New @ the Library" and then "Suggested Reads Youth" or
> "Suggested Reads Adult." The teens page is fine.  The pages are fine in IE
> or Netscape.

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