Electronic White Boards for Library Instruction

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at iastate.edu
Mon Jan 13 09:48:04 EST 2003

                _Electronic White Boards for Library Instruction_

   On January 12, The New York Times had a most interesting article
about the growing use of electronic White Boards


------------[Free access to registered users; registration is

Here's a select quote:


Genesys Conferencing's new Meeting Center 2.0 combines video, audio,
text chat and application sharing over the Internet. Now, instructors
can beam what they write on their whiteboards directly to students'
laptops, in effect turning each laptop screen into a portable,
interactive slateboard. This makes it possible for students to solve a
problem at their desks and beam the solutions back to the professor; the
teacher can then display it on all the students' laptops. And unlike
e-mail, this is instant, with no downloading. Instant audio-visual
interaction between professor and student helps retain some of the
essential classroom elements often lost in distance learning, says Jeff
Wong, director of product management. ''With our built-in video you are
able to maintain a lot more of the social aspects of learning,'' he


   While the use of electronic WhiteBoards at universities are not new,
I am not aware of their use within Libraries [Of course, cost is a major
factor as the technologies are *not* inexpensive].

   For a new category for my IDEALS(sm) registry devoted to Emerging
Innovative Augmented Digital Library Services

  [http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/IDEALS.htm ] 

  I'd be interested in learning of *libraries* that make use of
electronic WhiteBoards for Instruction [I'm not interested in
administrative use]
for potential inclusion in IDEALS(sm).

NOTE: For a more comprehensive treatment of Emerging Innovative
Augmented Digital Library Services, readers are welcome to view my
PowerPoint presentation prepared for  WiLSWorld 2002 held in Madison 

[NB: It's a LARGE file [13+MB] due to LotsOf Screen Prints]

[ http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/IDEALS.ppt ]

  As Always, Any and All contributions, comments, questions, critiques,

queries, Bootleg Tapes,  Cosmic Insights, etc. etc. etc., are Most



Gerry McKiernan
BootLegged Librarian 
Iowa State University 
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at iastate.edu 

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