[WEB4LIB] Re: PDA friendly web sites?

Thomas Dowling tdowling at ohiolink.edu
Tue Feb 12 19:35:25 EST 2002

>I like the idea of using the wireless PDA to access the catalog in the
>stacks. It seems to me that with a well-designed catalog (OK, that's the
>first obstacle), that this should be pretty easy to implement. I'm
>confident that someone is already doing this successfully. I think at LITA
>last fall, one of the presenters was talking about doing that very thing.

I''ve been searching our Innovative WebPAC pretty successfully for a couple 
of years, using several PalmOS browsers.  Not surprisingly, the few 
functions it just plain can't do are the ones that have the most erroneous 
markup (forms with no action are the most common culprits).  A lot of pages 
would benefit from getting away from table markup, but they work.

Thomas Dowling
tdowling at ohiolink.edu

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