comments wanted on CSS based page

Paul F. Schaffner pfs at
Thu Aug 8 20:24:05 EDT 2002

> I would like comments on the lay out and appearance of my new test page at:
> I am after how it looks in various browsers on various platforms.
> The border around the navigation and logo is just there so I can see the
> boundaries of the div.

Using my own default browser, viz. standalone Netscape Navigator 4.08, 
with JS, Java, CSS, and images turned on, and no Flash (actually, I've
never even seen installed Flash, sorry: I'm a text guy), running on WinNT

I see:

centered marquee reading "The library now has ..."
centered image SUNY MOrrisville College Library (no animation)
  with mouseover ">>>to the main page"
animated gif next to same that stops running after 
  a few seconds  
centered pull-down menu below all of this

(no borders to anything)

** First time viewing the page, that was *all* I saw. 
** Subsequent attempts revealed also, below the <HR>:

on the left side of screen:
 <OL> on left running from "Find books.." to "Help"
 below that a set of stacked lines in tiny print giving 
 address, tel., fax, "Where are we", Campus Map
*off* the right side of screen (i.e., need to scroll to find it),
URL of text page
Google search box

centered below all this:

   Maintained by...
   (big vertical gap)
then in the bottom lefthand corner, stacked up:

Talk to a librarian live
Requires AOL
Download AOL
(Tiger image)
Norwich Campus (with SUN connect icon to its right)
Email the libarian

Many of our online resources

Click this link to make us your homepage

Overall impression: tiny objects scattered in no particular
order into the corners of a mostly blank page 
(and mostly off the screen).

It actually looks better when Java, JS, and CSS are disabled.
Then everything appears centered: logo, menu, HR, OL, address, maintained,
Google form, (huge vertical gap), Talk to a librarian, Tiger, Norwich,
E-mail the librarian, SUNY connect, Click this link (not counting the
odd bits of displayed comments/code "Part of code for counter second part
of code for counter" "Displays where pagelocated" "Just displays when

Paul Schaffner | pfs at |

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