problem with IE5

Drew, Bill drewwe at MORRISVILLE.EDU
Tue Feb 27 21:36:50 EST 2001

We are having a very peculiar and intermittent problem with getting to
webpages where the user types in the address.  On our public machines that
are partly locked down with poledit and registry settings, we quite often
get a warning box come up that say "Access  to the resource 'site address'
disallowed".  This is also happening in the computer center computer labs.
They have contacted Microsoft (so I am told) without any success.  I can not
duplicate it on any machine without restrictions obviously.  The pop up
warning has the blue title bar at the tope with Address Bar written in the
top left corner with a big yellow x in a circle below it.  HELP!!!!
Wilfred (Bill) Drew 
Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference 
SUNY Morrisville College Library 
E-mail: mailto:drewwe at
Not Just Cows: 
Wireless Librarian: 
Have Laptop -- Will Travel.
"The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!" --
Author Unknown

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