Locking down Hostex on W2K

David Merchant merchant at LATECH.EDU
Wed Apr 4 11:35:46 EDT 2001

To the Web4lib brain trust, a question:

I've been locking down our new W2K electronic reference computers, and 
between using the Public Browser (a _great_ program!) and "hacking" the 
registry hive, I've gotten it mostly secure.  However, not with the 
Hummingbird HostExplorer (V. 4.0.1) telnet client.  I've modified the 
tool-bar to my liking, but I can't seem to figure out how to modify, delete 
or disable the menu bar items.  Has anyone done so using either the Host 
Explorer ini files or registry entries?

Head, Systems Dept, Louisiana Tech University
merchant at latech.edu
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