One last try to get responses

Drew, Bill drewwe at morrisville.EDU
Thu May 11 16:20:17 EDT 2000

I am taking one last stab at this.  I have only gotten 8 usable responses.
Please don't tell me about your e-mail based reference service or about one
you are planning on doing in the future.  I am after responses from people
that have such a service up and running or are experimenting (working
models) with it now.  I understand everyone is busy but I think this is an
important topic that needs investigating.  Thank you for bearing with me.

I am compiling data and ideas to improve our real time service for remote
users called "Talk to a Librarian".
It uses AOL Instant Messenger.

For details on this service go to:

Below is a very short survey.  If your college or university library has a
similar service or is thinking of starting one, please take a few minutes to
answer the questions.  I will compile them and report back with the results.

1. What do you call your service?

2. What software does it use?

3. Does it require special software on the remote user's machine? (If so,

4. Who responds to queries (e.g.; reference desk or other service point)?

5. What hours is the service available?

6. How many queries do you get in a typical week?

7. Is this service accessible via your webpages (e.g.; click on a link and
it starts up?)

8. Please give me a URL to see this service:

9. URL of Library webpage:

10: Your name/e-mail address

Wilfred (Bill) Drew
Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference
SUNY Morrisville College Library
drewwe at
Not Just Cows:
Have Laptop -- Will Travel.

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