[WEB4LIB] Unauthorized copy of web pages

Dan Lester dan at riverofdata.com
Wed May 10 10:06:41 EDT 2000

Tuesday, May 09, 2000, 10:31:43 PM, you wrote:

JNLLCIU> On the left of his page he has cloned the list of links from the library's
JNLLCIU> main web page.
JNLLCIU> Instead of actually pointing to the main page links, he has copied the
JNLLCIU> pages & put them on
JNLLCIU> his server (actually a library server, but he has taken over
JNLLCIU> administrative
JNLLCIU> control of this NT
JNLLCIU> server & blocked access by library staff).

This is strange indeed.  However, it would seem that he has violated
his rights and responsibilities in this job.  And the library people
apparently goofed by giving him full administrative rights, although
those may have been necessary to do his job.  Are you saying that he
has eliminated all other administrative accounts?

Without knowing the details of your arrangement with him and his
department it is hard to say exactly what to do, but I'd certainly
get my boss to talk to his boss, or something similar, if that is what
it takes.  Do you still have physical control of, or access to, the
server?  Have you talked to him directly with no success?  Is he not
even responsive to adding the other pages?  I can't even imagine why
he'd copy the pages over instead of just linking to them.

Sounds like a problem for the administrators to deal with if you've
tried all rational means of dealing with him directly.

good luck....


Dan Lester  dan at RiverOfData.com
3577 East Pecan, Boise, ID 83716-7115 USA
www.riverofdata.com  www.postcard.org  www.gailndan.com 

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