Exploit Interactive Issue 6

Marieke Napier M.Napier at ukoln.ac.uk
Mon Jun 26 10:40:34 EDT 2000

Apologies for cross posting
This is to let you know that Exploit Interactive issue 6 is now
available at the URL

Issue 6 contains three feature articles related to the European
Commission's Telematics For Libraries Programme, and a further three feature
articles covering more general subjects of interest to the
library and information communities.  In addition, a number of more
general articles are available including a review of a service used to
submit new URLs to popular search engines and a piece on the increasingly
popular XHTML.

Issue 7 is the last Exploit Interactive and is due out at the start of
October.  If you would like to write an
article for Exploit Interactive, please email the editors at:
exploit-editor at ukoln.ac.uk


Marieke Napier
Marieke Napier, Information Officer
Editor of the Exploit Interactive and Cultivate Interactive web magazines
UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, England, BA2 7AY
Email: m.napier at ukoln.ac.uk URL: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/
Exploit Interactive: http://www.exploit-lib.org/
Cultivate Interactive: http://www.cultivate-int.org/
Homepage: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/ukoln/staff/m.napier/
Phone: 01225 826354
FAX: 01225 826838

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