[WEB4LIB] Files left by Microsoft Mail and other programs

Alan Rowoth alan at mailbox.lpl.org
Wed Nov 3 17:51:44 EST 1999

>What in the world are those little files that are being left in ever 
>growing numbers in my Eudora Attachment folder? They often have a 
>.vcf extension. When I open them up, they have a bunch of 
>gobbledy-gook and indicate that they are Microsoft Mail. Is there a 
>way to block or filter them straight into the trash? I get way too 
>much mail to have extra stuff hanging around.  TIA.

Go into your Eudora settings and look at attachments. Make sure that 
you have "trash attachments with messages" turned on. (and be sure 
that you don't save things that you want to keep in your attachments 
folder and then delete the messages that brought them there.)

A more primitive approach would be to save attachments to the desktop 
and deal with them manually on a day by day basis.

On the Mac side, you could write a simple applescript that would run 
on startup or shutdown to delete all the .vcf (or other) files from 
your attachments folder.

Another tip, I usually sort my downloads and In Progress folders by 
date so that I can instantly tell which files are old and which are 

hope this helps.

Alan Rowoth          |"We hold it all for a little while, don't we?
PO Box 307           |  Kiss the dice,
Liverpool New York   | Taste the rain like little knives upon our tongue.
         13088-0307   | We can do no wrong when the lights go on
315.457.0310 ext 143 |  and the music plays
315.453.7867 fax     |   and we take the stage like we own the place
315.474.4800 home    | As though time were cheap
alan at mailbox.lpl.org |    and the night forever young."
www.folkmusic.org    |       Beth Nielsen Chapman - "Seven Shades of Blue"

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