[WEB4LIB] NetMeeting in reference

Avi Rappoport avirr at lanminds.com
Fri May 14 13:08:34 EDT 1999

At 6:23 AM -0700 5/14/1999, Steve Jones wrote:
>2.  Has anyone tried other conferencing software in this context?

I'm doing some work for WebEx and like it a lot.  It works in the 
browser over HTTP and doesn't need a separate client.  Windows-only 
right now, though I've used it with Virtual PC.  They have free 
access to their server right now at www.webex.com.


Avi Rappoport, Search Tools Maven: <mailto:avirr at lanminds.com>
Guide to Site Indexing and Local Search Engines: <http://www.searchtools.com>

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