[WEB4LIB] Printer button grayed-out

Andrew Mutch amutch at waterford.lib.mi.us
Thu Feb 11 15:56:15 EST 1999


Before you head off to the retirement home, you might want to check to
see what's going on in the background with Netscape -- what you'll
probably find if you go into the task manager or minimize Netscape is
that the print dialog box is still churning on a print-out.  Netscape is
still trying to spool the job and that's why the print box stays gray.
Once the job is spooled, the print box becomes active again.  However,
if it gets hung-up in the process, the box will stay gray until you
cancel the job.

Hope that helps,

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI

Robert Battenfeld wrote:

> Web4lib,
> We have our online databases available on an NT4 network.  We have
> printers for each workstation, either HP6Ls or LJ1100s.  The problem
> is that intermittently the user will try to print and the printer
> button (and menu choice) in Netscape is grayed-out.  I have been
> cutting and pasting the text into Wordpad and it prints fine.  I
> originally set up the printers using the HP disks.  Apparently the
> closest driver on the NT disk is for the 5L but that driver didn't
> clear up the problem.  This happens from various database vendor
> pages.  Any clues?  Get another printer? Go back to Windows98?
> Retire?
> Robert L. Battenfeld, Associate Professor
> Reference Librarian
> Southampton College Library/LIU
> 239 Montauk Highway
> Southampton New York  11968
> (516) 287-8379
> battenfeld at southampton.liu.edu
> http://www.southampton.liu.edu/library/library.htm

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