Public Library Internet Access Policies

Michael Sauers msauers at
Tue Sep 22 11:58:29 EDT 1998

Fellow Web4Libbers;

My wife and I are considering doing a follow-up to the Lake Oswego Public
Library study of public library Internet access policies
( If any of you that are in
public libraries would be so kind as to e-mail me a copy of your Internet
access policy it would be greatly appreciated.  Right now we're trying to
get a feel of just what policies are including these days.

If you do send your policy please include the following information:
	* "Internet Access Policy" as the subject line
	* Your name and e-mail address
	* Library Name
	* Approximate size of patron population


           Michael Sauers, Internet Trainer
       Bibliographical Center for Research (BCR)
            Aurora, CO :: msauers at
           The WWW Library Directory is @
 "Sacrificing anonymity may be the next generation's
    price for keeping precious liberty, as prior
    generations paid it in blood." -- Hal Hornby
Opinions expressed are my own unless otherwise noted.

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