Thanks for American Memory suggestions

Robert Sullivan SCP_SULLI at
Wed Nov 25 15:21:20 EST 1998

Thanks to Bill Drew, Bob Duncan and Jane Harris for their suggestions on and
off the list about my linking problem.

I didn't download the pictures directly to keep the storage load down, and I
had hoped to retain the LC information page for each image, as it included
copyright information and a thumbnail picture.  It does not appear that will be
practical (technically, I suppose I could download the page and modify it, but
that would be a maintenance nightmare) because of the way the LC/AM search
engine returns a result.

As Jane and Bob pointed out, clicking on the image itself will give you a
standard URL, so I will change my links to those.

I look forward to the completion of the Historic American Buildings Survey/
Historic American Engineering Record entries; there are more than 60 for my
county, each with multiple images (which would be easier to manage if I could
link to their pages).

Thanks for all the help!

Bob Sullivan                               scp_sulli at
Schenectady County Public Library (NY)

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