Nestcape "history" list--Correction

Bob Duncan duncanr at
Wed Jan 28 17:44:15 EST 1998

Sorry; left some text off of recent post. First original paragraph below
should have read : "The reason history lists vanish from *any* window, new
or otherwise, explained in Netscape's help file..."

At 01:23 PM 1/28/98, John Thomas Benedetto wrote:
>It sounds to me like the link you clicked on is launching another browser
>window (makes it look like you have two netscapes running).  The new
>browser window will have none of the history of the parent (or first)
>window.  If you switch back to the first window, you should still have the
>history intact.

A new window will have its own history list, which will then perform the
magical vanishing act. The reason (for Netscape; don't know about IE) is
explained in Netscape's help file under "History List Subsets (in the Go
menu)". Search for "history list" in the Help Index to bring this section up:

"A history list does not necessarily contain all the pages you've recently
viewed. Only a single lineage of history items is displayed. 

For example, a series of pages containing maps might show you increasing
detail as you click links. If you view consecutively linked pages with
titles North America, United States, New York State, and New York City,
you'll see all four items appear in the history list with New York City
topmost in the list. 

Furthermore, if you back up to the United States page, then view pages of
California and San Francisco, California and San Francisco automatically
replace New York State and New York City. The new thread of links replaces
the old thread of links." 

I prefer to describe the history list like a tree trunk with limbs and

Bob Duncan

  Robert E. Duncan
  Reference/Instruction Librarian
  David Bishop Skillman Library
  Lafayette College
  Easton, PA  18042
  duncanr at

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