IFRT Filters Dissent

Burt, David DBurt at ci.oswego.or.us
Sat Jul 5 11:19:00 EDT 1997

Penny Jeffrey wrote:

>The Cleveland Public Library, headed by Marilyn Gell Mason, does not
>a filter. It tries to react responsibly to patron use of PAC/PCs in
>public areas.

I'll take the benign view that you misunderstood what I said, and that
you are not deliberately distorting my views.  I never said that CPL
uses filters.  I said that Marilyn Gell Mason was a "voice of dissent
from ALA doctrine" on the filtering issue.  Read the June/July 1997
American Libraries article on page 104 "Sex, Kids, and the Public
Library" by Ms. Mason for clarification on her position.

          David Burt, Information Technology Librarian 
          The Lake Oswego Public Library 
          706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
          URL:          http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/library/library.htm
          Phone:     (503) 675-2537 
          Fax:           (503) 635-4171 
          E-mail:      dburt at ci.oswego.or.us

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