ALA Passes Resolution on Filtering

Karen G. Schneider kgs at
Fri Jul 4 19:53:40 EDT 1997

>Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 11:04:26 -0400 (EDT)
>Reply-To: carolyn at
>Sender: owner-alaoif at
>From: Carolyn Caywood <carolyn at>
>To: ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom List <alaoif at>
>Subject: Newspaper Call in Forum Question on Censorware (fwd)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Status: RO
>X-Status: A
>I should probably wait for the official word, but I'm too happy, and
>besides, it's Independence Day:
>On July 2, 1997, the Council of the American Library Association
>passed, "Resolved, that the American Library Association affirms that
>the use of filtering software by libraries to block access to
>Constitutionally protected speech abridges the _Library Bill of
>This should give citizens, library users and staff something to point
>to if there is a call for filtering library access.  I expect there
>will be some nitpicking over details, but the plain sense of it is
>that  filters can, at most, just be an option that no one is
>restricted to using.  We know we are putting ourselves on the line
>here, and some of us may have to go through difficult times as a
>result.  I believe it is possible for the public to come to understand
>that we are doing this to protect their rights and to give their
>support to this principle.
>Carolyn Caywood,
>Councilor at large

Karen G. Schneider * kgs at * schneider.karen at
Director, US EPA Region 2 Library | Contractor, Garcia Consulting | Columnist, American Libraries
Author of the forthcoming book, A Practical Guide to Internet Filters
See The Filter Assessment Project at

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