Lynx vs. GUI

Michelle Morris morrism at
Thu Dec 11 11:57:37 EST 1997


I have a question about the lynx browser.  We are a medium sized Public 
Library.  We have 14 public access terminals with access to our library 
catalog and Internet.  6 computers use the Netscape Navigator and 8 use 
Lynx.  We had this originally so all the computers would not be used for 
searching on the Internet.  
	We have recently made the decision to take down the CD-ROM 
network in favor of accessing the databases over the World Wide Web.  We 
currently access Newsbank's Newsfile and EBSCO's FullText1000 on the WWW.
	We have had the current system 2.5 years and are currently 
planning to add new PCs and replace our old server.

	Now that you have all the information you don't need here are my
 questions: Are there other libraries that still have Lynx as the main 
browser and have you had much luck with vendors supporting the lynx 

Michelle Morris
Computer Systems Support Technician
Laman Public Library
North Little Rock, AR 72114
morrism at
p 501.758.1721
f 501.758.3539

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