TIFF-to-Jpeg batch converter?

David P Atkins notdpa at unix1.sncc.lsu.edu
Thu Apr 24 18:12:04 EDT 1997

Hello all,

We're about to publish aerial photographs on the WWW and want to be as lazy
as possible.  Are there any batch converters that will take a directory
full of tiff images  and convert them into jpeg or gif images?

I'd be happy to pass along the whereabouts & success/failures of such an
animal to the list.

Also, If you're interested in such projects, check out the LSU Digital
Library (http://appl003.ocs.lsu.edu/lsudigit.nsf), a pilot project for
publishing all sorts of media on the WWW. 

David Atkins

David P. Atkins
Electronic Reference Services Librarian   
Middleton Library                    email:  notdpa at unix1.sncc.lsu.edu
Louisiana State University                     voice:   (504) 388-6823 
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3300                      fax:    (504) 388-6825 

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