ADA and Web Pages

Michael Reagan mreagan at
Fri Apr 18 13:45:51 EDT 1997

Rule of thumb: if you can read it in Lynx, a screen reader can make it 
available as sound or Braille.

Tables are a problem -- so is preformatted text in columns -- because 
the screen reader goes line by line rather than column by column.  

<br> tags can be used in table cells to force new lines in Lynx.  This 
works for simple tables, e.g.

For more on this and related topics, see my Universe at Your 
Fingertips ( presentation

Michael Reagan   KK6WO                  Circulation Unit Coordinator     
mreagan at                        University Library  
(818) 677-4391    fax (818) 677-4136    California State University   
home (818) 449-0996 fax 449-0952        Northridge CA 91330-8327
pager (818) 828-1226                    packet KK6WO at W6VIO.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA
--... ...-- -.. . de gustibus non est disputandum -.- -.- -.... .-- ---  

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