Thanks for the Help.. Oracle to MARC

Pawlowsky Bill Bill.Pawlowsky at
Fri Jan 23 15:49:09 EST 1998

Well with some assistance from list  members I was able to find a 
utility at called marcmkr.exe that converts a 
formated text file into a MARC record. 

I thought would be my salvation but the program bombs under NT. I have 
contacted the developers. Hoping to get an answer as to the 
possiblities of a Win95/NT version. I suspect that LC will be migrating 
in the the future to a more recent O/S. However, what I was really 
looking for was a UNIX version of the same utility. Who knows I might 
just have to brush up on my perl and write something (highly unlikely, 
as I can hack but not write from scratch!)

Thanks again..



Bill Pawlowsky                         Phone: 514-677-9411 x 5027
Senior Information Specialist          Fax:   514-647-7797
Library, Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc.   E-mail: Bill.Pawlowsky at

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