Location information on library/institution webpages

Wilfred (Bill) Drew drewwe at snymorva.cs.snymor.edu
Mon Apr 8 09:27:29 EDT 1996

I just added it to our library homepage after reading the messages.  It 
can be put in as a <H6></H6> and be quite small and inconspicuous while 
still being there for those that need it.  I for one usually bypass the 
main homepage and go directly to library homepages.  Having at least the 
phone number with area code and geogra[hical location is very helpful 
and a courtesy as well. 
Wilfred Drew (Call me "Bill") Serials/Reference/Systems Librarian
SUNY College of Ag. & Tech.;   P.O. Box 902;  Morrisville, NY 13408-0902
Phone: (315)684-6055 or 684-6060 Fax: (315)684-6115
New Homepage: http://www.snymor.edu/~drewwe/

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