Should this list continue?

Jennifer DeJonghe Jennifer.DeJonghe at METROSTATE.EDU
Mon May 9 18:49:38 EDT 2016

I think part of the issue is that there are a number of potential places to post now and it gets confusing knowing which list to post to. I prefer the more inclusive sounding list name “Web4Lib” but I find that if I post questions on Code4Lib or ERIL-L I get more responses. I’m not sure why listserv traffic seems to ebb and flow, but it definitely seems down here. FWIW, both of those other two listservs have had to deal with switching hosts recently, so it might be interesting to reach out to the other moderators and see how they thought through their switch and what they have experienced for traffic trends.

No matter what you decide, I appreciate all the work that has gone into managing the list and list archives over the years. Thank you.


Jennifer DeJonghe
Librarian and Professor
Metropolitan State University
St. Paul, MN

From: Jarvis, Hugh [mailto:hjarvis at BUFFALO.EDU]
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: [WEB4LIB] Should this list continue?

Roy,  I share your feelings.

I really like having a place to post/share issues, but haven’t found it a productive source of knowledge.

If keeping a listserv is found desirable, we can host it here at Buffalo.


Hugh Jarvis (PhD, MLS)  Cybrarian
330 Crofts Hall ~ University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY USA  14260-7015
ph: 716- 645-4604   email: hjarvis at<mailto:hjarvis at> (preferred)<> |<>
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From: Roy Tennant [mailto:roytennant at GMAIL.COM]
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2016 1:29 AM
Subject: Should this list continue?

Dear Subscribers,
The University of Notre Dame, through the very kind broker Eric Lease Morgan, has hosted Web4Lib for a number of years. I am very, very grateful for their support.

I have now been informed that all UND lists will be migrated to Google Groups or shutdown. Thus, I must decide to either migrate the list to Google Groups, find another hosting situation, or shut it down.

I am considering whether to shut it down. I want to make it clear that although the question has been called due to the need to make a hosting decision, I do not feel in any way that the University of Notre Dame is shutting us down -- they are not.

However, I think is a good time to consider whether the list is worth continuing. Although I feel like a list that is for discussing web issues in a library context is still potentially important, the list archive proves otherwise. What we find are a litany of announcements but very little actual discussion.

So we must decide, as a group, what to do. Does this list provide value? Do you want it to continue in Google Groups? To find out what you want, I've created a poll:

Please let me know what you all think. Thanks,
Roy Tennant
Owner, Web4Lib

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