The Future of Web4Lib

Roy Tennant roytennant at GMAIL.COM
Sat May 7 19:07:28 EDT 2016

The University of Notre Dame, through the very kind broker Eric Lease
Morgan, has hosted Web4Lib for a number of years. I am very, very grateful
for their support.

I have now been informed that all UND lists will be migrated to Google
Groups or shutdown. Thus, I must decide to either migrate the list to
Google Groups, find another hosting situation, or shut it down.

I am considering whether to shut it down. I want to make it clear that
although the question has been called due to the need to make a hosting
decision, I do not feel in any way that the University of Notre Dame is
shutting us down -- they are not.

However, I think is a good time to consider whether the list is worth
continuing. Although I feel like a list that is for discussing web issues
in a library context is still potentially important, the list archive
proves otherwise. What we find are a litany of announcements but very
little actual discussion.

So we must decide, as a group, what to do. Does this list provide value? Do
you want it to continue in Google Groups? To find out what you want, I've
created a poll:

Please let me know what you all think. Thanks,
Roy Tennant
Owner, Web4Lib


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