Wireless in Libraries

Bill Coffey bill.coffey at WAYNEGOV.COM
Tue Aug 9 11:01:05 EDT 2016

We have a simple wireless access connection running 4 access points with a DHCP server.
We are having an issue with slow connections or access. From my statistics I see we have an average of 150 patrons access the wireless during the day.
I would like to know.

1.       Those that have wireless access with a Time Warner circuit, are they having issues with the network slowing down at random times of the day?

2.       We have a 50 x 5 circuit. What is your circuit to TWC.

3.       How many access points do you have?

Bill Coffey
System Administrator
Wayne County Public Library
Goldsboro, NC 27530
Bill.Coffey at waynegov.com
Phone: (919) 735-6249


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