Who is blocking "hacker" countries by default from their proxy servers?

Annie Platoff platoff at LIBRARY.UCSB.EDU
Mon Apr 13 12:45:01 EDT 2015

I am reposting this question.  Since I posted it late on Friday afternoon I
wonder if most people missed seeing it.


So far I have not heard back from any libraries that are currently doing



From: Annie Platoff [mailto:platoff at library.ucsb.edu] 
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 4:59 PM
Subject: Who is blocking "hacker" countries by default from their proxy


We are interested in finding out what libraries are using a "blocked by
default" strategy to help reduce abuse of their proxy servers.  Please
respond to my questions below.


What library/university do you represent?


What type of proxy server are you using?


Which countries are you blocking by default?


What mechanisms are you using to activate proxy server access for your
legitimate users who are traveling to your countries?


Once a legitimate user is activated, is that access permanent or do they
have to renew it occasionally?  If they have to renew, how often?




Annie Platoff

UCSB Library



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