Raspberry Pi screen blanking

Thomas Dowling dowlintp at WFU.EDU
Fri Oct 3 13:34:48 EDT 2014

There was a discussion thread a month or two ago about libraries using
Raspberry Pi computers for kiosks, signs, etc.

We run three Pi-based digital signs, with all the Pis running standard
Raspbian.  We set them up with the necessary options to prevent screen
blanking from kicking in (as described here for example:
They've run fine for about a year.  Until...

At some point about a month ago, something caused our signs to start
blanking their screens.  This seems to be an OS screensaver: the monitor is
on, and the browser showing the signage is still running.

Did some Raspbian update install an additional place where screen blanking
needs to be disabled?  Have other RPi users encountered this?

Thomas Dowling
Director of Technologies, Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Wake Forest University
LITA Forum, Albuquerque, 11/5-11/8 - Are you going?
dowlintp at wfu.edu / 336-758-5797


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