What do you use for your Database Library listing?

Aaron Waller awaller at MYMCPL.ORG
Thu Oct 2 10:32:52 EDT 2014

We also use Drupal for our database listings (and our main website).  Like Erik, we have a content type with name, description , and URL fields, but we also attach a "Tags" taxonomy to allow for more dynamic sorting and displaying with the "Views" module.

In addition to an alphabetical listing, we've configured "Views" to look for "arguments" in the URL that allow us to display databases by subject (Tags).

There is a bit of a learning curve with Drupal, but it is perfect for storing and dynamically listing things like this.

Aaron Waller
Web Developer
awaller at mymcpl.org
Mid Continent Public Library - www.mymcpl.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Web technologies in libraries [mailto:WEB4LIB at LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Erik Sandall
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [WEB4LIB] What do you use for your Database Library listing?

Drupal. We have a "database" content type that includes the name, a
description, and a link. The nodes are brought together alphabetically via
a View. Some Javascript lets us provide subject/category "tabs" to group
similar databases. This probably works best for small libraries with a
small number (< 25) of databases.


Erik Sandall
Electronic Services Librarian & Webmaster
Mechanics' Institute
57 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
esandall at milibrary.org

On Tue, September 30, 2014 2:28 pm, Teresa Coberly wrote:
For an A - Z list of our databases with descriptions, access instructions
and links we use an open source software package called Subjects Plus.  We
also use it for our Research Guides.

Here is the entry page that we created on our website
http://lawlibrary.colorado.edu/find.   If you click on Show All Databases
it will give you an alphabetical list.

It is great software and the developers are very responsive to questions
and requests for support.  http://www.subjectsplus.com/


Teresa Coberly
William A. Wise Law Library, University of Colorado Law School
Phone 303-492-4711  : Fax 303-492-2707
teresa.coberly at colorado.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Web technologies in libraries [mailto:WEB4LIB at LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On
Behalf Of Laura Robbins
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: [WEB4LIB] What do you use for your Database Library listing?

We use an access database and asp scripts to power our database listings.
This way we can update in one place and it propagates across the
alphabetical and subject listing pages.

Laura Pope Robbins
Professor/Reference Librarian
Dowling College

> On Sep 30, 2014, at 4:59 PM, Sue Dentinger <sdentinger at library.wisc.edu>
> wrote:
> We have used the open source Xerxes with MetaLib for our Database
> Library as well as having Primo and Primo Central. Due to Primo Central,
> we have stopped offering metasearching, figuring that for anyone needing
> more depth or direct access to a database or service beyond what Primo
> Central offers, the native interface is the better option.  So we are
> dropping MetaLib and need to find an alternative for our 1200 plus
> entries in our Database Library.
> So the question is what are you using for your Database Library?
> I know many sites have moved to Libguides 2.0 for their Database Library
> listing, and I've seen some on Serials Solutions or VuFind which would
> not be options for us. Are there any others of you using something
> besides these listed above that you would care to share about?
> Thank you,
> --
> Sue Dentinger
> Library Technology Group
> Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison Libraries
> 608-263-3250
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