Amazon Affiliate Program

Jan Kelley jankelley at NEWHOPE.EDU
Thu Feb 6 14:57:09 EST 2014

Our school is a non-profit and we have an affiliate account. We used it to
implement a "virtual bookstore" for a couple of years after we closed our
on-campus bookstore. I was not the one who set up the account so I can't
speak to the details. Perhaps Amazon has changed the criteria?


Jan Kelley

Library Director

Flint Memorial Library

New Hope Christian College


From: Web technologies in libraries [mailto:WEB4LIB at LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On
Behalf Of Morgan Brynnan
Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2014 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [WEB4LIB] Amazon Affiliate Program


Hi - I was looking into this for our local PTA. Unfortunately, the Amazon
Affiliate program is not open to non-profits, so I imagine a college or
public library couldn't participate-maybe a special or corporate library
could, though. There is another program they offer for non-profits called
Amazon Smiles if you google it.



Morgan Brynnan

Butte College Library


From: Graham, Stephen [mailto:s.graham4 at HERTS.AC.UK] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 5:32 AM
Subject: Amazon Affiliate Program


Hi All - just wondering if there are any academic libraries out there who
are part of the Amazon Affiliate Program? If so, what does it actually
entail, and was there any local opposition to becoming a member? We are
looking at services which provide content enrichment such as books cover,
ToCs, Description etc for our OPAC, and saw that that the Amazon Product
Advertising API can be used for this? It seems to use this API, you need to
become an Affiliate member. Any thoughts on this? Links to OPACs that use
Amazon in this way?


Cheers, Stephen


Stephen Graham

Online Information Manager

Information Collections and Services

University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield.  AL10 9AB

Tel. 01707 286111

Email s.graham4 at



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