Introduction to XML (online course)

Rory Litwin rlitwin at GMAIL.COM
Tue Mar 26 19:18:38 EDT 2013

Introduction to XML

Instructor: Robert Chavez
Dates: April 1-28, 2013
Credits: 1.5 CEUs
Price: $175
This asynchronous, online course will provide an introduction to XML (the eXtensible Markup Language) and the basic tools for working with XML documents. The main goal of this course is for students to get comfortable with XML as a format, learn some of the tools for working with XML, and learn about several XML standards used in the library community. Topics will include XML Document Type Definitions (DTDs), XML Schemas and XPath. The course will also provide an introduction to several more advanced topics, including XSL stylesheets and the XML query language, XQuery. We will explore several Library of Congress XML markup standards that are relevant to electronic text resources and metadata management including Dublin Core, MARCXML, and MODS.

Course outcomes will include:

	• how to create and manipulate XML documents
	• understanding how DTDs and Schemas define XML document structures and languages
	• understanding how to use XML electronic text markup languages and XML metadata markup schemas
	• understanding how XML markup schemas and standards are currently being used in the library community

Robert Chavez holds a PhD in Classical Studies from Indiana University. From 1994-1999 he worked in the Library Electronic Text Resource Service at Indiana University Bloomington as an electronic text specialist. From 1999-2007 Robert worked at Tufts University at the Perseus Project and the Digital Collections and Archives as a programmer, digital humanist, and institutional repository program manager. He currently works for the New England Journal of Medicine in as Content Applications Architect.

Library Juice Academy 
P.O. Box 188784
Sacramento, CA 95818
Tel. 218-260-6115
inquiries at


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