The LITA Technology and Industry Interest Group will meet at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle

Kirsten Leonard kirsten.leonard at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jan 15 13:43:32 EST 2013

The LITA Technology and Industry Interest Group will meet at the ALA
Midwinter Meeting in Seattle.

Date: Saturday January 26, 2013

Time: 4:30 - 5:30 PM Pacific Time

Place: Washington State Convention Center - TCC LL3


Agenda items:

. Review of the Interest Group mission statement drafted by Marshall
Breeding (will be distributed prior to the meeting). 

. Continued work on the development of a white paper that describes how the
current architectures today offer capabilities for extensibility and
interoperability through APIs and how library programmers and other third
parties can collaborate with system developers.  This white paper aims to be
a key educational document for broader audience of systems librarians,
developers, and other interested individuals.

. Finalization of program for the ALA Annual Conference:

Connecting Libraries and Vendor Platforms: Have we advanced from the Black
Box to Open Systems?

No technology product created for libraries can reasonably satisfy the needs
of all libraries "out of the box."  Rather, products provide a basic core of
functionality designed to serve the general needs of libraries, with
configuration options to set operational and cosmetic details for individual
implementations.  Many libraries, however, need to implement new
functionality not delivered with the base product.  Libraries might be able
to press the developers of the products, developed under either proprietary
or open source licenses, to create enhancements to the core system to meet
these needs.  A more sustainable model involves the use of application
programming interfaces (API)s that allow library programmers to write code
to extend the capabilities of the product, to enable interoperability with
other applications, or to extract and manipulate data.  Most of the major
library management and discovery applications offer APIs that open up data
and functionality to libraries and to third party developers. 

 This session aims to reveal the extent to which libraries can expect to
extend products through exercising the APIs provided with their key
technology products.  In a dynamic debate format, the moderator (Marshall
Breeding?) will explore this topic with the chief technology or strategy
officers of the major library vendors and with one or more library
technologists involved in projects that rely on APIs. 


Moderator: Marshall Breeding (Co-Chair LITA Industry Vendor IG)

Suggested Panelists:

.         Andrew Pace or Robin Murray (OCLC)

.         Talin Bingham (SirsiDynix)

.         Oren Beit-Arie (Ex Libris)

.         Jane Burke or Andrew Nagy (Serials Solutions)

.         Bill Schickling (Polaris)

.         John McCullough (Innovative Interfaces)

.         Brad LaJeunesse (Equinox Software)


Kirsten Leonard

Executive Director, PALNI

7606 W 450 N

Sharpsville, IN 46068


 <mailto:kleonard at> kleonard at



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