Content Management System for web/intranet

smart el elsmart35 at GMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 15 07:03:15 EDT 2012

Drupal will be helpful..

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 8:23 AM, Michael Schofield <mschofield at>wrote:

> Disclaimer: I tapped this out on my phone, and while I tried to catch
> errors, I'm pretty sure the autocorrect shamed me :). Also, I am soapboxing
> for Wordpress below (in case you want to skip it :-/).
> I get that Drupal is the going favorite in the community, and I can
> second/third the recommendations for expression engine (real cool), but
> Wordpress IMHO is the more robust and user-friendly option. The
> affordability of expression engine is no more a draw than the
> affordability--if you don't have a web person of your own--of having the
> largest design community of the web. If you have a designer on staff, its
> free. Themes--free and for sale (and again, that is if you aren't
> interested in developing your own)--are increasingly responsive, and for
> about $50 you can find a dozen mobile-first* responsive Wordpress themes
> (or you can use's Bones mobile-first starter theme if you
> have your own web person). Content and presentation are separated in all of
> the CMS's suggested to you already.
> No other CMS has so much documentation or so many (free) tutorials, nor
> broader extensibility through plugins like buddy-press and simplePress for
> forums - oh, and wikis. Easy to rig, easy to pickup, and if you need to buy
> a theme or hire a developer it has the biggest marketplace and the most
> freelancers.
> You can pretty painlessly set up a Wordpress network so you can host
> multiple websites on a single installation, so you could have a public
> facing site at and an intranet at
>  We use a Wordpress for automating ticket tracking in systems, generating
> multiple email newsletters, and some regular departmental web pages so you
> can pretty much do what you want with it.
> If you're rolling your own, it will take you a fraction of the time to
> learn than Drupal. The latter would be my second choice, but unless you
> already have a Drupal dev on hand, commitment to learning Drupal isn't even
> worth it anymore (that's probably sacrilegious ... ).
> I really think expression engine is groovy, too. But I find that doing web
> stuff for libraries requires just a lot of jury-rigging for unusual
> library-only circumstances, and because of that I veer toward the tool that
> has the most written about it on the web and the most help on
> StackOverflow. For CMS's, that's Wordpress.
> After all this late-night tapping I would like Wordpress to now cut me a
> check :-).
> Michael
> * Slide deck for future-friendly / mobile-first web design in libraries:
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 15, 2012, at 1:13 AM, ward smith <wardgsmith at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
> I acknowledge the prevalence of drupal and wordpress (and let's not forget
> concrete5) in the library community. however, if you are interested and/or
> need actual content modeling and want loose coupling between your content
> model and presentation -- and if you want a template model that is
> flexible, expandible, and is easily manageable, i would suggest that you
> try out expressionengine.
> i am a librarian too, "Free Open Source" is great and I am an advocate of
> it, but human time and staff committment and capabiltiy is a cost as well,
> and has to be factored into any choice.
> . Best, Ward Smith
> On Oct 14, 2012, at 9:22 PM, Cary Gordon wrote:
> Drupal is widely used and broadly supported in the library community. You
> can find information at and take a
> look at the drupal4lib mailing list at
> There is a great general resource on open-source software for libraries at
> This was created by Lyrasis and offers information
> on many of the content management systems and frameworks used in the
> Library community. Drupal and Wrodpress seem to be the most popular among
> the free and open-source systems used by libraries.
> I am a librarian and long-time Drupal evangelist in the community, and my
> company offers Drupal services.
> Thanks,
> Cary
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 5:29 PM, ward smith <wardgsmith at> wrote:
>> I know it is not open source, but for an institution, even for an
>> individual, it is very affordable, and imho, the best available:
>> htttp://
>> as far as mobile interface goes, you could use expressionengine as the
>> backend and jquery mobile for the front end.
>> best, Ward Smith
>> On Oct 14, 2012, at 4:26 PM, Anna Wheeler wrote:
>> oh and of course great mobile accessibility and general usability - front
>> end
>> >>> Anna Wheeler 15/10/2012 12:24 p.m. >>>
>> Hi
>> Just a quick question. We are helping our institution  find a new Content
>> Management System CMS to manage both their website and intranet. Currently
>> they use Shado
>> What CMS do you think are worth considering?
>> They would like to use system for intranet and website
>> and it will have ability to integrate discussion forums, polls, feedback
>> forums - with voting eg like uservoice
>> and it will have some kind of alerting or reporting system to remind us
>> to update information and manage distributed publishers
>> good analytics, reporting, content re-use, version control etc
>> Any light shed would be appreciated
>> many thanks
>> Anna
>> Anna Wheeler, LLB, DipLibr
>> Manager, Electronic Library Services
>> Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
>> email: awheeler at
>> ph:    +64 9 8154321 ext 8601
>> web:
>> twitter:
>> <>
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