E-vanced issues today

Louise Alcorn Louise.Alcorn at WDM.IOWA.GOV
Mon Jun 4 12:29:14 EDT 2012

Sorry for cross-posting, but I hadn't seen anyone mention this yet today.  Just a heads up.  If you use any of the Evanced products hosted by the vendor (Room Reserve, Events, Summer Reading) the launch of many libraries' summer reading clubs today seems to have overwhelmed their servers.

They tell us they're working on it, managing server usage, adding a new server, and hope to have it resolved by tomorrow.  Patron access (for self-registration) is particularly affected, so you may get calls.

Sorry to clog the email pipes, but I know sometimes we wonder "is it just us?" - today, it's not :)


Louise Alcorn
Reference Technology Librarian
West Des Moines Public Library
4000 Mills Civic Pkwy
West Des Moines IA 50265
515-222-3401 (fax)
louise.alcorn at wdm.iowa.gov<mailto:louise.alcorn at wdm.iowa.gov>


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