Endnote as a library catalog

Steve Clancy sclancy at UCI.EDU
Wed Jan 25 20:16:38 EST 2012


Has anyone had any experience with using EndNote as a low-cost catalog 
for a very small book collection? It would probably run on one dedicated 

I'm trying to help someone out who has been put in charge of putting a 
very small occupational health collection online so the staff can search 
it. The department is willing to spend little, if any, money on it.




                    Steve Clancy, MLS
    Research Librarian for Health Sciences and Nursing Science
     Ayala Science Library, Univ. of Calif., Irvine CA. U.S.A.
         949-824-7309 * sclancy AT uci.edu
"We don't see things as they are...We see things as we are." - Anais Nin


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