Off-Topic? Microsoft's New "Avoid Ghetto" App

Malakia Oglesby moglesby at ASBURYPARKLIBRARY.ORG
Tue Jan 10 13:51:24 EST 2012

Hi all,


I don't mean to stir up any more controversy than it's already getting. but.

have you guys heard about Microsoft's new patent for a GPS app being
casually called "Avoid Ghetto"?  




"A new technology designed to help pedestrians avoid bad neighborhoods has
plenty of smartphone users up in arms."


"And "what if someone using a route from this system does get mugged, shot,
assaulted, or robbed?" wonders Chris Matyszczyk at CNET. "Would they feel
entitled to sue Microsoft because the route was supposed to be




Here's the link:


My opinion:  While I understand the need and concern for safety I can't help
but think there's a better way to approach it.  Also, last I heard people do
get "mugged, shot, assaulted, or robbed" in areas not labeled "ghetto".  I'm
not certain that I can go so far as to call it racist, but I'm certainly
disappointed in Microsoft and the Gates'.  


Just my two-cents,







Malakia Oglesby, MIS

Asbury Park Public Library

500 First Avenue

Asbury Park, NJ  07712

Phone: (732) 774-4221

Fax: (732) 988-6101


Email: moglesby at


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