SIP 3.0 has been published - how will ILS/LMS suppliers respond?

Michelangelo M M Viana mviana at PUCRS.BR
Mon Jan 9 06:32:20 EST 2012

Dear friends,

Sharing news published by Michael Fortune
=Ifxy&goback=%2Eamf_3098907_8227182&trk=NUS_DISC_Q-ncuc_cmtr> ,
(Consultant at Library RFID Ltd - Limoges, France): 


"SIP 3.0 has been published - how will ILS/LMS suppliers respond?

3M have announced the publication of their SIP 3.0 protocol. (Copies
available from 

Will 3M's decision to focus on circulation limit the potential for
development of new library functionality as many move to adopt the
international data standard for library RFID data? 

Will ILS/LMS vendors support SIP 3.0, NCIP or BLCF? 

Or does it matter at all?"



What's New in SIP Version 3.0


Version 3.0 has several new messages that have been added to provide
additional capability making it easier to implement new functionality in
library products for managing the patron record.   

Below is a summary of changes.


New functionality that the protocol supports

- allow creation / registration of patrons from self-service devices

- allow patrons to update their PINs / Passwords from a self-service
device in the library

- allow patrons to update their home addresses and phone numbers 

- support for handling electronic resources

- support for staff overrides on self-service circulation

- support for sortation systems

- support for PC Management systems


New messages were added to simplify implementation and clarify usage

- Undo Checkout and Undo Check-in messages have been added to simplify
implementation.   It has been confusing for many developers to send a
Check-in w/cancel flag to cancel a Checkout and send 

a Checkout w/cancel flag to cancel a Check-in.   This was confounded by
the fact that many ILS vendors did not support cancelling a transaction
and would then proceed as a standard check-in (if 

cancelling a checkout) causing the patron to be removed from the hold

- Added Off-line Checkout and Off-line Check-in messages to support
off-line processing.

- Added Unsupported Message Response to indicate that the message
request is not supported by the library system.


Grouped data

Data can now be grouped to provide all information required for a
specific event.   For example, a fee consists of the following fields:
fee identifier, currency code, fee amount, and fee type.  These fields
can now be grouped together to simplify the passing of multiple fees on
a single request or response message.   Each set of group data starts
with a group identifier and ends with a group end field.  







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