[Web4lib] Evaluation Rubrics for Web-Based Discovery Systems

A.J.P.van.den.Brekel at med.umcg.nl A.J.P.van.den.Brekel at med.umcg.nl
Thu Nov 3 07:48:02 EDT 2011

 Dear Jackie,
Maybe this is useful?
Best regards,
Guus van den Brekel

Guus van den Brekel
Central Medical Library, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
The Netherlands
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MSN name : a.j.p.van.den.brekel at med.umcg.nl
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Skype: Digicmb
Website: www.rug.nl/umcg/bibliotheek


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-----Original Message-----
From: web4lib-bounces at webjunction.org [mailto:web4lib-bounces at webjunction.org] On Behalf Of Jacqueline Radebaugh
Sent: woensdag 2 november 2011 17:00
To: web4lib at webjunction.org
Subject: [Web4lib] Evaluation Rubrics for Web-Based Discovery Systems

Dear Colleagues,

My institution is currently evaluating four web-based discovery systems (Primo, Summon, EBSCO Discovery and WorldCat Local).

Does anyone have an evaluation rubric for web-based discovery systems that they could share with me?  We came up with several points, however, we also thought that looking at other institutions' rubrics would be useful (just in case we forgot something, etc.).

Thanks so much for your consideration!

Best wishes,

Jackie Radebaugh

Assistant Professor of Library Science
Electronic Resources and Systems Librarian Simon Schwob Memorial Library Columbus State University Columbus, GA

Phone:  706-565-3555
E-Mail:  radebaugh_jacqueline at columbusstate.edu

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