[Web4lib] Access 2011: Registration is open

Mark Jordan mjordan at sfu.ca
Fri May 27 13:55:24 EDT 2011

Registration is now open for the Access 2011 Conference, to be held October 19-22 in Vancouver, British Columbia. See http://access2011.library.ubc.ca/registration/ for more details.
Some other goodies now available on the conference website include a preliminary schedule, information on the preconference event "Open Source for Library Decision Makers," information on social events, and a link to the Hyatt's room reservation form. We're also accepting suggestions for the Hackfest (http://access2011.library.ubc.ca/hackfest/).
The organizing committee gratefully acknowledges the following sponsors for their kind support (in alphabetical order):
Gold: Canadiana.org, Gibson Library Connections, Serials Solutions, Simon Fraser University Library, University of British Columbia, University of Victoria
Silver: Discovery Garden, Equinox Software, OCLC Digital Collection Services
Bronze: Andornot Consulting, BC Electronic Library Network, BC Libraries Cooperative, Dell Canada, Innovative Interfaces, Microcom, Relais International, Richmond Public Library, Vancouver Community College.
On behalf of the organizing committee,


Mark Jordan
Head of Library Systems
W.A.C. Bennett Library, Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6, Canada
Voice: 778.782.5753 / Fax: 778.782.3023 / Skype: mark.jordan50
mjordan at sfu.ca

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